
How to Invert Colors in InDesign: A Step-by-Step Guide

InDesign is a popular software used by graphic designers, publishers, and marketers for creating print and digital designs. One of the most common design techniques is inverting colors. Inverting colors can give your design a unique look and feel.


Inverting colors in InDesign is a quick and easy way to give your designs a unique and creative look. By following the simple steps outlined in this article, you can invert colors for a single object or for an entire document. Remember to save a copy of your original document and test your design on different devices and media to ensure that it looks good in different environments.

In this article, we will show you how to invert colors in InDesign using simple steps.

Inverting Colors in InDesign: A Brief Overview

Inverting colors in InDesign is a simple process. It involves changing the color mode from CMYK or RGB to inverted colors. Inverted colors are the opposite of the original colors. For example, black becomes white, white becomes black, and so on. In InDesign, you can invert colors for a single object or for an entire document.

Step-by-Step Guide to Inverting Colors in InDesign

Let’s get started with the step-by-step guide on how to invert colors in InDesign.

Step 1: Open Your Document

To get started, open your document in InDesign. If you don’t have a document yet, you can create a new one.

Step 2: Select the Object You Want to Invert

If you want to invert colors for a single object, select it using the Selection tool. If you want to invert colors for the entire document, skip to Step 3.

Step 3: Open the Swatches Panel

To open the Swatches panel, go to Window > Color > Swatches.

Step 4: Create a New Swatch

Click on the New Swatch icon at the bottom of the Swatches panel. Name the new swatch “Inverted Colors” or any name you prefer.

Step 5: Set the Color Mode to Inverted

Select the new swatch you just created. Then, click on the Color Mode drop-down menu and select “Inverted.”

Step 6: Apply the Inverted Color

With the new swatch selected, click on the object you want to invert. The object’s color will now change to the inverted color.

Step 7: Save Your Document

Make sure to save your document to keep the changes you made.

Congratulations! You have just learned how to invert colors in InDesign.

Inverting Colors for an Entire Document

If you want to invert colors for an entire document, follow these additional steps.

Step 1: Select All Objects

Go to Edit > Select All or use the keyboard shortcut Command/Control + A to select all objects in your document.

Step 2: Create a New Swatch

Follow the same steps in Steps 4 and 5 from the previous section to create a new swatch with the color mode set to “Inverted.”

Step 3: Apply the Inverted Color

With the new swatch selected, click on any object in your document. All objects in your document will now have their colors inverted.

Step 4: Save Your Document

Make sure to save your document to keep the changes you made.

Tips for Inverting Colors in InDesign

Here are some tips to keep in mind when inverting colors in InDesign:

  • Always save a copy of your original document before inverting colors. This way, you can always revert back to the original design if needed.
  • Be mindful of the color combinations you use. Inverted colors may look good on some designs but not on others.
  • Test your design on different devices and media to ensure that it looks good in different environments.

FAQ: How To Invert Colors In InDesign?

1. How to Invert Text or Objects in InDesign?

Inverting text or objects in InDesign follows the same process as inverting colors. You need to create a new swatch with the color mode set to “Inverted.” Once you have the new swatch, select the text or object you want to invert and apply the new swatch. The text or object will now appear in the inverted color.

To invert text, select the text box with the Selection tool. Then, follow the same steps outlined in the previous section to create a new swatch with the color mode set to “Inverted.” Finally, apply the new swatch to the text box, and the text will appear in the inverted color.

To invert an object, select the object with the Selection tool. Then, create a new swatch with the color mode set to “Inverted.” Finally, apply the new swatch to the object, and it will appear in the inverted color.

2. Can You Invert Colors on InDesign?

Yes, you can invert colors on InDesign. Inverting colors in InDesign involves changing the color mode from CMYK or RGB to inverted colors. Inverted colors are the opposite of the original colors. For example, black becomes white, white becomes black, and so on.

To invert colors on InDesign, you need to create a new swatch with the color mode set to “Inverted.” Then, apply the new swatch to the text or object you want to invert. The text or object will now appear in the inverted color.

3. How Do You Invert the Colors?

To invert colors in InDesign, follow these steps:

  1. Open your document in InDesign.
  2. Select the text or object you want to invert with the Selection tool.
  3. Open the Swatches panel by going to Window > Color > Swatches.
  4. Create a new swatch by clicking on the New Swatch icon at the bottom of the Swatches panel. Name the new swatch “Inverted Colors” or any name you prefer.
  5. Select the new swatch you just created. Then, click on the Color Mode drop-down menu and select “Inverted.”
  6. Apply the new swatch to the text or object you want to invert.

The text or object will now appear in the inverted color.

4. How Do I Change the Color of an Image in InDesign?

To change the color of an image in InDesign, follow these steps:

  1. Open your document in InDesign.
  2. Place the image you want to edit by going to File > Place.
  3. Select the image with the Selection tool.
  4. Open the Effects panel by going to Window > Effects.
  5. Click on the “FX” button at the bottom of the panel and select “Color Overlay” from the drop-down menu.
  6. In the Color Overlay dialog box, select the color you want to apply to the image.
  7. Adjust the opacity and blending mode as needed.
  8. Click “OK” to apply the changes to the image.

The image will now appear in the new color you selected.

5. How Do I Grey Out an Image in InDesign?

To grey out an image in InDesign, follow these steps:

  1. Open your document in InDesign.
  2. Place the image you want to edit by going to File > Place.
  3. Select the image with the Selection tool.
  4. Open the Effects panel by going to Window > Effects.
  5. Click on the “FX” button at the bottom of the panel and select “Black & White” from the drop-down menu.
  6. Adjust the levels and contrast as needed to achieve the desired effect.
  7. If you want to add a tint to the image, select the “Tint” option from the drop-down menu and adjust the percentage as needed.
  8. Click “OK” to apply the changes to the image.

The image will now appear in black and white or with a tint, depending on the effect you selected.


Inverting colors is just one of the many design techniques you can use in InDesign to create stunning and impactful designs. With its powerful tools and features, InDesign is a must-have tool for graphic designers, publishers, and marketers. Whether you’re creating print or digital designs, InDesign has everything you need to bring your ideas to life.

We hope that this article has helped you learn how to invert colors in InDesign. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. Thanks for reading!

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